Monday, January 31, 2011

Please Give Me A Second Chance

What do you do when you make the biggest mistake of your life and you know everything you've worked for can

I did something very, very stupid. I knew it was stupid when I was doing it but I was so caught up in the moment that I didn't care. Now I have to deal with the pain and uncertainty and guilty conscious as I wait to find out whether my actions will have the expected reprecussion or if I'll walk away with a very valuable lesson and a second chance.

I am praying, praying, praying for a second chance.

I know what I did was wrong and I am dying inside because of what could happen. I could lose everything--my family, my friends, my future. The shame of my poor choices would be incapable for me to bear, because I have so many looking up to me. I am afraid I would run away, or possibly commit suicide. And I would never be able to look at my changed future with the same kind of love and acceptance, and that would be unfair to my future. So I pray, Dear LORD, please, please, please spare the child... I will NEVER make the same mistake again, I swear. Please, I beg in the name of Jesus, please let me walk away with a valuable lesson and a second chance. Jesus Christ, please hear me, hear Your child and deliver me from my fevered brain and broken body.

I don't know what I'll do if I am denied a second chance. I suppose I will just pic up the pieces and try to start over...maybe somewhere else, amongst other people...

May the frets be with you.

1 comment:

  1. There is absolutely nothing you could ever do to make me stop loving you or that would make me want to send you away. Silly girl, Momma's love is enduring. We walk this road together...always!
