Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Today I am supposed to update my blog. I have a killer headache and can't think of anything funny or interesting to say. (i'm on a roll, huh?) Frankly, this is getting ridiculous.

I guess I can tell you about the Cleveland Auto Show. I went there this Sunday with my boyfriend and my 16 year-old brother. It started off really well. We got there around noon and planned to leave by four. There were lots of pretty cars and cool exhibits and raffles. My brother perpetually got himself lost, throwing my boyfriend and I into panic attacks. We got to ride in some new cars which was pretty nifty. However, as the day wore on, I became very, very tired and hungry (and I wasn't willing to pay $3.50 for a hot dog the food vendors were selling, and 5hour energy had almost no effect on me). Although my ever geeky boyfriend attempted to rekindle the flame of excitement by pointing out some new, extra cool features on one car, the fire was simply gone. My brother felt the great need to sit in almost every car he saw. He is a huge car fanatic. His dream is to design cars for Ford. Needless to say, he was in 7th heaven all day long.


We ended up being there eight hours. It was long day and a long trip, but it was well worth it. Next year, I might prefer driving my own, separate car there so that I can leave when I get tired. If you're a girl then you understand...boys and their toys...what can you do?

May the frets be with you.

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