Thursday, March 24, 2011


I have been car-less for a very long time. It was getting to be rather depressing. I needed rides everywhere, and if I couldn't get the ride, I just stayed at home. I've had to miss out on a lot of things my friends were doing, because of this.

Everything changed over spring break.

There is a classic rock song called 'Lola'. It goes 'L-O-L-A Lola. La la la la Lola.' The song is very catchy and I thought Lola was a very cute name, and I decided I would use that name someday (It was a little later that I found out that the song is about a man that looked like a woman).

So...(dun dun dun dun)

I would like to introduce you to Lola, the car that is the color of rootbeer (which happens to be my favorite soda). She is a 2000 Ford Contour and a very stellar ride (I will get pictures up eventually). Finally (actually, about time) I have a car. I am a very happy camper in this respect.

Lola. It's a good song. You should look it up (or I could be smart and just post it).

May the frets be with you.

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