Friday, November 12, 2010

Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame

So today I visited the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame. Lemme tell you, if you haven't been there, then you need to go!!

It was mind-blowing to see famous guitars--like Led Zepplin guitars, the guitar that John Lennon drew on, Bruce Springsteen guitars, the list is endless. I was in seventh heaven with the classic rock streaming in the back ground and oodles of music memorabilia.


You know what turned me on the most? The notebooks. I was practically screaming when I was looking at the notebook pages of famous singers...the notebooks where their songs were first created. Guess what? Their lyrics were written down just like the way I write mine down. AND THEY DOODLED!!!!!! I know this must sound crazy to you, but I have a thing for seeing what famous songs once looked like. To see the scribbles and cross outs and doodles are inspiring to me. It reminds me that these songs made it through, and so mine have a pretty good chance as well, despite the eraser marks and dog ear corners.

I saw some pretty amazing things...costumes, which included Michael Jackson's infamous white glove, suits worn by The Who, authentic Mick Jagger weirdness, and a thousand other incredible looking outfits and accessories...and I watched a 15 minute film that showed the history of Rock and Roll, all the way back to the era when things were slow and steady, to the time of swing and jazz, past the rollicking country guitarists, up to Elvis, with that jet black hair and killer smile, and on to several bands which helped make the rock and roll sound famous.

It was a sensory overload. My mind and eyes and mouth (from stretching it too wide open) hurt like crazy when I finally walked out of there.

Rest assured, I'm going back.

May the frets be with you.

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