Wednesday, September 3, 2014



The obnoxious ringing emanating from my cellphone awakens me from my curious dreams. I slothfully roll over, activate the sleep mode, and close my bleary eyelids for ten more min....


Time to get up, and start the day. I have to get to work on time. I have to....


I hazily look at the time which registers at 5:00am. Time to get up. I forcibly raise my tired frame from the warmth of my luscious pillows and blankets. Time to get going. After all, that's what the clock says...


"My mother keeps harping at me, Lilly! When am I gonna have a child? When am I gonna make her a grandma? I'm not getting any younger. And we try and try but nothing happens! I don't have time for this! I am thirty years old now, and I should be holding a beautiful bouncy baby in my arms. That's what the clock says!"


"They are disappointed in me because I haven't graduated yet. I should have graduated last year, but I took that internship at the museum...they are still pissed about that one. But how can I tell them that I want to do something different? I don't want to be a doctor, I want to study history and be a professor! I don't want to stay in one place, I want to discover and learn and find things and travel while I am learning. But my father's patience is running out and  every time I see him, he taps his watch and tells me where my future lies. According to his clock, I am out of time..."


"My time has run out, it's ending now. The doctor says it will be really rough but that eventually I will just breathe out and pass. What's hardest is hearing the stifled whispers of my kids and grandkids when they come to see me. I can hear them outside my door asking how they should act or what they should say. Don't they know I just want them near me? I just want to hear them say they love me? That's all that matters now, it seems. So many many blessings...I wish I had more time. I would give anything for just a little more time...but my clock isn't going to wind back up in the morning..."


All of our lives are spent revolving around time. Whether we admit to it or not, almost everything that we do is something we had to 'make' time for. This 'making time' ploy is exactly what gets us in to trouble. We will 'make time' for it another day. We will 'make time' for it later. People, there is no such thing as 'making time'. Time is it's own being. It cannot be stopped, swayed, startled, or created. We cannot make time! What we can do, however, is to make the most of the time we have. Don't wait until later, do it now! Now is all you have. There is nothing wrong with planning, scheduling, and saving, but if that is all you are doing then you are wasting your time. Where is there room for spontaneity? You can't plan that! Where is there room for creativity? You can't plan creativity!

More importantly, is there room for love? Can you plan love? Will you love your child or your spouse later, when there is time?
I urge you all to take some time every day or every week and shut off your clocks. Spend it with someone you love, or a hobby you adore. 'Make time' for something NOW!

Now is what you will remember, not something you will 'make time' for in the future...

May the Frets be with you.

Please take some time to check out the other blogs participating in the September challenge!

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