Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Oh independence! You are more sought after than any valuable stone, than all the world's money, than the fairest of women or handsomest of men! You are the object of desire that we strive for the minute we breathe the air of this world. Independence!

Yeah, yeah, hold that thought for like, I dunno, three paragraphs.

Of course independence is great. It gives us freedom and a sense of ownership over our lives. We live our lives trying to prove how independent we can be. We can take care of ourselves, make our own money, pay our own bills, warm our own beds, and, ultimately, live our own lives. Every part of that is true and there is nothing negative about that.

What about dependence?

"Oh my God!" I can hear you breathe in horror, 'Oh the thought! The mere idea castrates my mind! Dependence? Hell no!"

Oh independence! You are...

Yeah, hold on a little bit longer.

When we think of dependence, we often associate it with negative things or images like the 30 year old living in the basement, or the overly clingy child who won't go away! But I am here to assure you that dependence in itself is not a bad thing.

Life shattering isn't it? No, no, it's okay. Let me explain.

According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary:
noun \di-ˈpen-dən(t)s\ : the state of needing something or someone else for support, help, etc.

We are taught our whole lives to be independent. The mark of a fully matured adult is displayed by the growth of his independence. However, were you ever taught about dependence? Not the ogre in the basement dependence but positive dependence?

It is okay to need people. Sometimes we grow up too fast, or something happens in our life that causes us to take up the responsibility of being independent and we never look back. We don't want help from other people because it is a sign of weakness. Or, sometimes we don't want to 'cause a problem' or 'be a burden'.  Truth is, not asking for help when you really need it is what makes you the burden. It makes you defensive, self-destructive, tired, cold, and a little pissy.

People are made to need each other. Think about it. We are social creatures in need of interaction. Do you think you are the only one to face a trial and tribulation? Dependence is what helps bring people together - just as much as independence.

Now, I am not saying run home to mommy or ask your best friend over so you can drown his or her ears in the sorrows surrounding your life. What I am saying is to be independently dependent. Recognize when you need help and take it.

That is what we are here for.

Independence, oh Independence!

Absolutely, but know that I am here if you falter.

May the Frets be with you.

Please take some time to check out the other blogs participating in the September challenge!

1 comment:

  1. I have a hard time asking for help, but am always there for everyone else. I know I need to reach out more. Good reminder! :)
