Friday, September 5, 2014


Unfortunately, I missed yesterday's blog post which covered the letter 'D'.

Today I find myself staring at a blinking line on my blog draft. This little line is waiting for me to type something.


That's the only thing I find myself typing.

At this moment in time, I feel nothing but defeat, betrayal, disappointment...exhaustion. My heart is heavy for words that do not come.

I have striven so hard for something, and what was it for? What is going to be remembered? My loyalty and dependability? The extra mile? The support?


Well, maybe.

It will be remembered by the people who meant something and who watched me struggle alongside them. They know. They watched it all.

Maybe this exhaustion is worth it, after all.

Exhaust yourself for the right people.

1 comment:

  1. You always figure it out. That's what matters. You saw the answer even in your exhaustion. You need a vacation. :)
